President Donald Trump (L) and German Chancellor Adolf Hitler (R) with American Nazi Party Leader Frank Collin (C)

Trump Denies Holocaust!



When asked to deny white supremacy, Trump asks, “Who? What?”

At a recent appearance carried live via satellite on national American television, veteran news correspondent Howard Beal asked so-called President Trump if he would condemn Holocaust deniers, also known as white supremacists in America. Looking confused, Trump begged for a hint, “Gimme a name. Gimme a name.”

To the consternation of many proud Republican households, millions of refugees from the NAZI Holocaust — a state sponsored policy of ethnic cleansing that killed 8 million Jews and civil rights activists — turned off their television sets, opened their windows, stuck their heads out and yelled: “I’m as mad as hell and I’m not gonna take this anymore!”

When asked about his position on ethnic cleansing throughout the world, Trump apparently replied, “I always wash my hands, everyone knows that.”

News reporters on the 2.5 remaining reputable networks have vowed to ask Trump whether he denies that the Holocaust actually happened, or if, as his present rhetoric suggests, he believes it is a hoax.

However, having caught wind of the coming barrage of questions, Trump has asked his advisor and son-in-law for a brush up course on the historic genocide, which some have compared to the “President’s” current covid-19 policy, known as “herd immunity.”

In related news: the First Lady has yet to confirm whether her grandfather was a NAZI sympathizer or a communist ANTIFA leader during the Second World War, claiming, “No matter what was family background, I now am American citizen and already I plagiarized my allegiance to United States’ flags (sic).”

[Continuing story, updated 10/17]

