ANT∃BELLUM is not a film

2 min readSep 19, 2020


This is not a critique because ANT∃BELLUM is not a film. ANT∃BELLUM is not a story and it has no genre. ANT∃BELLUM is the understanding that what happened did not end but continues to ∃xist. The belief that it did end is the vile propaganda of hypocrisy, which is everywhere an axe in the heart of knowledge. No one is safe from it. You cannot bulldoze it away. You cannot police it. You cannot escape it. You can only expose it and then go to war against it, because being exposed is nothing for a hypocrite. Hypocrites are without shame, disgusting, deplorable, degenerates, the kind of empowered people who are not human, who lead by chasing truth into the dark where they must be beaten senseless, absolutely, continually, forever and again. ANT∃BELLUM shows that the great hypocrite, that cowardly, traitorous, compromised “commander” who cries out for lack of loyalty cannot be called out, but must instead be gutted, then wrapped in the symbol of his beliefs, and incinerated along with his appointed compatriots. His blond enablers must be dragged through the muck until their heads are smashed on the plinth of a vile, fake, and falsely accoutered, dark anti-knight. No, ANT∃BELLUM is not a movie. ANT∃BELLUM is a statement, a protestation, an endless bellowing confrontation. No, this is not a critique because ANT∃BELLUM is not a film. It is our country now, passed being fought over, ready to be fought for until the disgusting hypocrisy, firing at the truth it refuses, runs dead out of ammunition.

